Assisting conscious entrepreneurs to align their unique frequency with their business calling, so that they consistently reach the audience they are intended to serve.

Serving Entrepreneurs and Future Entrepreneurs...

want to uplift and assist others - healers, creators, transformers and teachers
want to be seen, heard and understood
are ready and willing to step into their power
are energetically attuned, self-reflective & aligned with purpose
are open to trusting their inner guidance
are life long learners
aim for balance and harmony
want to live in freedom more and more
are transformation ready​
want to do more of what makes them happy
are ready to align their frequency with their business calling
May I become a beacon for those souls I embodied to assist.

The New Business Paradigm
We are in a time of transformation. The world, Earth, is in transition. Everywhere we look there is evidence of chaotic energies. The year 2020 opened the doors wide and since then we have all been experiencing massive shifts in energies.
Kathryn is here to assist those who came to serve during this time of transition and transformation. She offers guidance so that you attract the souls you embodied to assist. Learn how to align your frequency so that the ones you are meant to serve can find you.
During this shift, we are ushering in a new way of doing business. It starts with a soul-driven focus vs a profit maximization focus. It is about bringing in harmony and balance and connecting with your inner wisdom and sharing your gifts from that space.
There are no set rules in this new paradigm. Rather it is time to uncover your own divine blueprint.Your own path. As you step onto your path from the space of undiluted love you become a contributor and a creator of the new business paradigm for the benefit of all.

Spiritual Contract

You signed on the dotted line - in bold print.
"I will not withhold my profound gifts from those who need them. I will not withhold my phenomenal gifts from those who need them."
- St. Germain
Frequency In Entrepreneurship
Third Grade

Hello from Kathryn
All my life I've been around business and entrepreneurs. I've spent decades immersed in entrepreneurship, from desktop publishing to real estate. What I never realized during the time I was running those businesses is that I ran them in the style that my parents modeled for me.
They owned a Mom & Pop store where starting in the third grade I worked running the cash register. In my teens, mom started a wholesale clothing business in our basement for many years and in her 70s and 80s she created a business selling American Girl doll clothes that she designed and made herself.
My parents believed in a philosophy of working hard, putting in long hours and when a business issue arose then working even harder. Their model had very little time off for play and travel. Their life revolved around the beck and call of work. My desire is creating a new model that aligns with freedom, self-care, success and happiness.
Over the decades I simultaneously, yet separately, traveled the paths of self discovery and entrepreneurship. Never truly integrating the two. The upheaval of 2020 commanded me, like many others, to reevaluate my path and purpose. I questioned what I was doing and why I was doing it. I started asking myself, that inner self, what do I really want to do?
I closed my successful real estate business and sold my building. Then stepped into the adventure of merging decades of inner world and business world experience into this offering, a service assisting entrepreneurs in creating a business that brings through their core purpose and awakens their happiness. While guiding others as they use their gifts to uplift and serve I continue merging my paths and creating my own happiness in return.
Starting out, the process was hit and miss, trial and error. I knew what I wanted to do, but not how. My past business experience taught me to seek experienced guidance instead of re-inventing the wheel. Not finding anyone merging business with a mindful path of soul guidance I turned to coaching experts. I encountered experts charging from $5,000 to $250,000 for mastermind experiences.
I came across programs, systems and masterminds that focus on profit driven models that claimed they could be scaled to amazing heights and promised fantastic returns. I selected a couple of programs that carried what I hoped was the energy I was looking for. The longer I was in the programs I found that the energy that attracted me wasn't the whole picture. Much of what was being taught felt off, just didn't quite fit for me. The real eye opener came after a couple of years in these programs when I began to see the success rate among the participants. Or should I say lack of success. It was shockingly low.
The number of participants that reached the promised heights and returns were miniscule. But even worse than that I saw hopes dashed, confidence wrecked and desperation rising. Rather than the anticipated rewards many found themselves even deeper in debt and disillusioned as to where to go next.​
This was an invaluable learning experience for me (probably why spirit encouraged me to experience it). I also came away with some invaluable positive nuggets, especially from my personal coach (another reason spirit guided me to take that step). Without my personal coach I may have gotten lost or derailed or at the very least discouraged. Instead through his wisdom, vision and tenacity I was moving at my own pace and following my own guidance.
I was working with clients, honing my products and developing a marketing strategy. Just as I was in the throws of implementing new marketing, I began to hit a series of technical glitches. This was a sign for me to back off. I was hitting walls and pushing through was not the answer.
A few weeks later, at a School of Spiritual Evolution retreat in Montana all the pieces came together or more accurately everything was blown to bits. From those fragmented pieces I found my true compass. I came to a realization about the systems, programs, marketing and masterminds. It's not that they don't work, but rather that they work for those with the same frequency, same energy and fail or worse harm entrepreneurs with different alignments, especially the more sensitive beings.
In the new business paradigm, services come with the understanding that there is more to our world than just the physical; more beyond the three dimensional and five sensory world. We are aiming to tap into the flow of multi-dimensional energies and allowing that to manifest in ourofferings. It is time. The world is shifting. It will not happen overnight, but it is indeed happening. Why not add your stamp, your energy and your style to this evolution?
Why? Why do I want to do this? There are multitudes of amazing souls out there that have so much to share that will uplift, delight and serve the world. Yet, the business models they are presented with don't match their energy. In fact the old model of profit driven, task oriented, scale for the purpose of scaling actually damages them. In turn they feel like failures when in fact it is the model, the system that is failing the entrepreneur. Not the other way around.
I'm driven by a vision in which every entrepreneur aligns their business with their phenomenal gifts at their unique frequency, effortlessly exuding a message that resonates with the specific souls they are meant to serve. This vision is rooted in profound alignment, enabling impactful connections with minimal effort, lots of freedom, fun and happiness. To me, that is true power.
The world needs more souls that want to find and uplift the similarities we all share. This may be for you if you are one of those sensitive, introspective, caring and creative souls that are feeling the urge to share your inner gold, inner gifts through a business offering.
The somatic healing that we did was profound. So I'll try to be brief. Just before coming out with my book "Toxic Family" I had a lot of issues around the words toxic family.
I was feeling like I was throwing my family under the bus. Kathryn did some work with me on somatic body imagery and feelings around that and it was incredibly heart opening and healing.
I'm coming from a place where now I feel like I'm not pointing a finger at my family members. I'm opening opportunities for authentic truths to be revealed from all of us. Allowing for a great opportunity to have actual profound healing while we're all still here on the planet (and off) and for other families to do the same.
It was amazing.
Kathryn was just what we needed! She could be objective yet encouraging when we were all over the place.
~ Penny

Working with Kathryn at Purple Door is one of the most rewarding business mentoring experiences I've ever had. Kathryn's cache of experience as a savvy business-person blended with her grounded, yet spiritual approach, her genuine heart, willingness to listen and her personal integrity make Kathryn aces in my book. Especially in today's 'wild west' of online business, where too many coaches offer 'cookie cutter', one-size-fits-all methods which may or may not work with everyone.'
As someone who is brand new to online entrepreneuring. Week after week Kathryn's advice gave me the confidence to trust my own instincts and expertise with my programs, but when I needed it, she was more than willing to speak up and address some structures I'd set up that could turn cumbersome or unwieldy for me or my clients as part of an online business.
We all have unique gifts to offer. We all can use a coach who has our back. For me, Kathryn at Purple Door is this person.
Angel Peabody @ 'Make Yourself Laugh With the Talkative Introvert'.