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The energy of Thanks

colorful fall leaves

As I plan and pack and ready to leave to visit family for the Thanksgiving holiday and feasting the energy of thanks, acknowledgment and appreciation are floating in my thoughts and feelings.

In recent years my nieces and nephews have taught me that it is no longer just a celebration with your traditional family of origin. Their generation has created a new tradition of FriendsGiving where they also celebrate with their family of choice. I love this.

As we gather we hear people express their sentiments, their thanks for the pleasant, miraculous, magnanimous, heroic, kind, joyful and endearing things they are thankful for: the people and experiences that have brought them something pleasant, happy or desired.

Today, as you read this, I ask you to contemplate whether this is the complete energy of thanks? Is Thanksgiving just is another day of rejecting that which we did not like and would not choose again and being grateful for that which was pleasing and pleasant?

Perhaps Thanksgiving is a day to remind us to be thankful for experiences, people and circumstance that we did like as well as those that we may judge as unpleasant and unwelcome? Can we be Thankful for the people who brought us joy and Thankful for those who may have been hurtful along our journey.

Thankful for all experiences those which we judge as good and those we may judge as bad?

We often learn so much more from those we may have judged as bad, yet we tend to reject them, process them, hold on to them, live them over a million times. The question is have we every thanked them?

I invite you now on Thanksgiving to do just that. Thank them, then let them go.

This is the season. I really love Thanksgiving, not for the turkey and pumpkin pie and all the food that is way too rich for us that we indulge in as part of the tradition. Yes, that can be fun. However, what I like about it is the "thanks" part. A season for a little introspection. Being thankful for what really touches our hearts, really connects us back to our souls. A time to find those things that we truly honestly can say thank you for, even though they may not be pleasant moments, memories or experiences.

In my life as I look back on these less then happy experiences I can see that they have brought gifts. With them and through them I have received growth, insight, strength. Experiences that I would never have consciously invited to be a part of my life did in fact shape me, mold me and help me to evolve into who I am. My experiences of empowerment and the those of disempowerment have brought me the gift of discernment. Thank you.

Did I give thanks at the time for those less than pleasant experiences? No and hell no!

The real question is can I give thanks now for all the moments that brought me to this place where I am and the person I am?

Thanksgiving can be a time of taking back your power. Standing in the energy of who you truly are. Giving thanks for everything that you like and don't like. Giving thanks for choices you would choose again and those you may regret choosing. Acknowledging that you are the sum of all the experiences no matter if there are some you would never invite back again.

Thanksgiving comes at a softer time of year, a sleepy time of year. The trees are letting go of their leaves and laying a crunchy blanket on the ground that rustles as you walk. The days are shorter. Darkness falls early. Plants stop their growth cycle and release their seeds for the year to come.

It's a time of retrospection. It's a perfect time of year for Thanksgiving. The time we give thanks for what has been and prepare our seeds for the coming year. Give thanks for the abundance which is yet to appear.

May your holiday bring you alignment and gratitude and thanks with everything in your life that you like and especially those things you don't like.

The energy of thanks is only complete when we look at all facets. This season you are invited to embrace yourself in the wholeness of the energy of thanks.

Happy Holiday,


Purple Door Entrepreneur

P.S. As you step away from this reading, I challenge you to playfully weave the essence of gratitude into your daily business and life tapestry. Let each moment of thanks deepen your entrepreneurial journey and brighten your life's canvas. Have fun exploring!

1 Comment

Nov 20, 2023

Beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!

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