You don't know...
Video - You Don't Know...
This all started a few weeks ago, when I was telling a friend a story.
The story was about a time several months ago when I struck up a conversation with the owner of the new local wellness center.
The conversation went from one thing to another that led to that age old question, What do you do? And me sharing that I assist soul guided entrepreneurs to align their unique frequency to their business offering.
Eventually our conversation zeroed in on a problem many entrepreneurs face and that is...
how to build a client base.
For this particular entrepreneur I clearly could see and feel that her strongest avenue of growth was not through facebook (her thoughts), but rather through word of mouth, testimonials.
I explained to her why that would be her key for success. Then we went over a few tips and ideas that she could implement.
Fast forward to recently when I was sharing this experience with my friend and how much fun it was, she made a remark that rang so true, not just for me, but for so many entrepreneurs. It gave me a lightbulb 💡 moment!
She said…
You don’t know, what you know!
Isn’t it amazing how much you know and don’t even realize you know. Until it comes tumbling out of you.
As entrepreneurs you are full of knowledge, wisdom, and insight that you may be taking for granted. Treasures that you may not even realize are treasures.
Tips and guidance that just flows out of you with a simple asking.
You don’t know, what you know!
Wisdom that can lift someone’s burdens, give them clarity on their path or just help them over their current obstacle or stuck-ness. Guidance that shines forth with little to no effort on your part. It comes through as a knowing.
You don’t know, what you know!
Knowledge and insight that you don’t figure out or think about. It is just there.
It comes out at the moment of an asking. A moment that allows the spigot to open and water naturally flows. It feels like that.
These are your gifts flowing. Gifts that others receive from you in the form of your wisdom and guidance.
Your superpowers.
So take a moment to think about...
You don’t know, what you know! But you do know it.
So my challenge for you…. Is to own it. Own your knowings!
Thank you for receiving my offering.
Loads of love,
P.S. I’d also love to hear about any moment when you let your wisdom flow through you and surprised yourself with what you know!
I love this beautiful and uplifting message! Thank you for reminding us of all our inner wisdom!
Hello beautiful one. I absolutely, positively, love your offering this morning. Seeing you, hearing you, feeling your insights were comforting and powerful. Flowing with you!