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Glowing Softly: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Illuminating a Path

bicycle reflectors in wheels

It's December and we are approaching the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere -- the winter solstice -- dusk arrives early. Last evening, while driving home from the grocery store a subtle movement caught my eye along the pedestrian path paralleling the main road. It was a faint yellow-orange. Had it not been for the movement, I might have missed this entirely.

Upon closer observation, I realized I was seeing two bicycles. More accurately, it was the soft glow emanating from the pedal reflectors, created by the rhythmic pumping of feet propelling the bikes forward.

The imagery lingered with me. Intrigued me. It keep playing over in my inner vision. The cyclists and their bicycles were almost invisible, demanding the viewer's — in this instance, my — full attention to even notice their presence. Without the soft glow, they would have remained unseen.

This brought to mind how many soul-driven, heart-centered entrepreneurs bring attention to their business through "glowing softly". There's a unique charm in this approach. It can be as inviting as a friendly conversation, a warm invitation, a casual question, or even a captivating story. It's an approach that resonates with the energies and frequencies of those you are destined to serve.

However, there's a warning: glowing too dimly. If your light is too faint, it becomes challenging for those you are meant to serve to find you.

Then there's the aspect of movement. Just like when pedaling the bike, movement can significantly enhance visibility. Visibility that allows one to find and notice the entrepreneur, their message and their light that is glowing softly. What types of movement in entrepreneurship can draw attention to your softly glowing offering?

  • Content Creation: engage through blog posts, articles, videos, and multi-part series content

  • Collaboration and Partnerships: create synergy by teaming for co-hosting, co-creating, or guest appearances

  • Webinars and Online Workshops: showcase your expertise and allow for live interaction

  • Personal Branding: a consistent message, tone and aesthetics leads to a memorable identity

  • Customer Testimonials: share stories of real world experiences that resonate with those your are intended to serve

Just a little "movement" along side a soft glow can exponentially enhance your message, your marketing, your attractability all the while maintaining the energies and frequencies that in turn attract those you are intended to serve.

Feel into this concept. Where do you feel you land on the marketing spectrum? Does this kind of marketing make you feel closer to the pushy-salesy-make-the-most-money end of the scale or the connected-be-of-service-have-fun end of the scale? Which one makes your heart feel lighter? Which one feels like ease in your body? Which one feels more joyful?

I invite you to begin illuminating your entrepreneurial path by glowing softly from within, then add a little dash of movement to let the excitement unfold.


Purple Door Entrepreneur

P.S. As we embrace the spirit of glowing softly, I invite you to reflect and share a moment when you felt your inner light guiding you in your entrepreneurial journey. It could be a subtle intuition, a gentle push towards a decision, or a quiet yet powerful realization. Let's gather our collective whispers of wisdom in the comments and celebrate the soft, yet impactful, lights we each carry within us.

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