Radiate Your Frequency
Hello, this is Kathryn, and today's topic is radiating your frequency. (video above) The inspiration for this topic came about a couple of weeks ago when my husband Henry and I went to the mountains for a week to relax, do a little hiking, and enjoy ourselves. We took our 12-and-a-half-year-old dog and found a very nice, pet-friendly cabin.

We spent our mornings picking places to go, explore, and do a little hiking. We visited several lakes and a couple of waterfalls. During this peak season, we encountered a lot of visitors. We were very friendly, greeting everyone with hellos and good mornings, hoping they were enjoying the weather and the paths just as much as we were, and sometimes, we stopped to have longer conversations.

One day, we went to a place called Linville Falls, a little further off the beaten path. It took us about 40 minutes to get there, though it took a bit longer since we got lost—the GPS and Google Maps in the mountains are not reliable, to say the least. But we finally made it, and it was a very nice hike.
We started at the upper falls and went uphill for a couple of miles to two different vistas. The views were amazing. Throughout all our hikes that week, when greeting people, it was at Linville Falls on our way back down the mountain that we ran into a couple. The gentleman was exceptionally effusive in his greeting, not the usual chitchat we had encountered. He was buoyant, happy, and there was an electric energy coming through his greeting.

When I got home, that encounter was still in my mind— that one person out of the hundreds we met during the week stood out.
It occurred to me that it was all about the frequency he was radiating, his own unique frequency, very much like what we aim for in soul-guided entrepreneurship.
There are many people out there who may offer similar services or products as you, but what sets you apart is your unique frequency radiating through your offerings, making them incredibly attractive.
People want to be around it; they are curious to know more about it.If you incorporate that energy into your marketing, your blogs, your videos, and your products, the energy you hold while creating what you create shows up inside your product, whether you know it or not.
Everything is energy, and we all pick up on that. So this is about not just thinking, but feeling and getting into a space where you're not just creating content for the sake of it but doing it from a space where you bring forth that energy, your unique frequency. It's what will attract those specific souls you are meant to serve.
Soul-guided entrepreneurship isn't about the numbers. Much of today's marketing is about keywords and attracting bigger and bigger audiences—I call it the buckshot effect. Just shoot everywhere and hope someone responds. But what we're talking about is more energetic than just keywords. It's about using your unique frequency through everything you put into your offering to attract those souls that really want your product and are aligned with it because they are picking up the energy.
Remember, radiate your frequency throughout your offering. It'll become magical for you.
Purple Door Entrepreneur
Kathryn Gorham 💜
P.S. Coming soon a self paced, online video course: Soul Guided Entrepreneurship. Subscribe (in the right hand column) to get notified of the launch.
The topic of frequency is delicious, Kathryn. And I love the way you tied it to your week hiking and enjoying the mountains with Maya. It also woke me up to understand my frequency is powerful. As I move ahead with my own heart centered platform I wonder if I will ever be a success in reaching a wider audience. And that means, I need a frequency shift! Thanks again for your wisdom and inspired delivery! ox Susan